Help Our Movement

Upcoming Events

New MCCG 5th BD edition coaching band

(Angel wings design)

MCCG 5th Birthday/Anniversary

Saturday NOV 4th

3 free class by registration :
10am 12noon and 3 pm
9-5 stop by to celebrate with us and pick up your free coaching wrist band .

Relki Works

Discover Your Natural Healing Ability & Explore Afterlife Communication

Past Events

Festival Booth

Visit us at Booth 30

Tea Party

Event at MAZADAR Restaurant

The Ticket price here is $0.00 or Free admission, but registration is needed!

Let your Yoga Dance Vibration and Meditation in Motion - Thursday, Feb 27, 2020

The Ticket price here is $0.00 or Free admission, but registration is needed!

The Ticket price here is $0.00 or Free admission, but registration is needed!


August 30-Sep 3
by Dr. Keyaunoosh Kassauei