J.D. Pincus, Ph.D. is Chief Innovation Officer at Leading Indicator Systems (d/b/a AgileBrain), focusing on emerging methods for measuring emotion and motivation. He developed the unified pyramid model of human motivation and the AgileBrain measurement technique. His comprehensive motivational model was published in Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science, as well as applications of the pyramid model to the problems of Employee Engagement, Employee Well-being, Organizational Culture, Human Values, Leadership, and Team Dynamics.
His seminal article on the concept of motivation in applied psychology, published in the Journal of Consumer Behavior, has been cited in 218 subsequent papers. He is a Fellow of the Employee Benefit Research Institute, a Washington DC-based think tank. He was named Researcher of the Year by PMRG and named to the Power List by Senior Market Advisor magazine. His book, The Emotionally Agile Brain: Mastering the 12 Emotional Needs that Drive Us, is slated for publication in spring 2024.ciation.He was named Researcher of the Year by PMRG and named to the Power List by Senior Market Advisor magazine. His book, The Emotionally Agile Brain: Mastering the 12 Emotional Needs that Drive Us, is slated for publication in spring 2024.ciation.
Linkedin : linkedin.com/in/jdpincus
Websites : jeremypincus.com/ (Portfolio)
researchgate.net/profile/Jeremy_Pincus (Portfolio)
isobar.academia.edu/JeremyPincus (Portfolio)